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Kevla Bellydance logo. It has a silhouette of Kevla dancing, and says "Kevla Bellydance"
Winnipeg bellydancer Kevla in a purple costume, dramatically posed with a sword.
Kevla is an international award-winning bellydancer in Winnipeg, Manitoba. With many years of study in Egyptian and American styles of bellydance, Kevla will get people up and dancing, and guests will be talking about your party and sharing photos for years to come.

You can also take a bellydance class with Kevla and learn this beautiful art for yourself!
Winnipeg Bellydance classes start in September.
Winnipeg bellydancer Kevla in a cold coin costume with a green skirt, framed by Isis wings.
Winnipeg bellydancer Kevla smiling at the camera, posed with a sword.

© 2020 by Kevla Bellydance. Proudly created with

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